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The Embodied Phyzio

JJ Hurst
Jun 18, 20242 min read
Does Foam Rolling Actually Do Anything?
I believe in evidence-based practice when it comes to rehab, physical therapy, and movement. There's plenty of room for magic, but I...
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JJ Hurst
May 23, 20242 min read
Do Virtual Visits even Work for Physical Therapy?
I get this question, often, and I quite enjoy it, because I used to have a different answer than I do today. Let’s rewind. I got into...
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JJ Hurst
Jun 9, 20234 min read
Why Do We Care About Square Splits (And When)
If you’re a bendy human, or a human trying to be bendier, you’ve probably come across splits, and splits training. We see them in...
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JJ Hurst
May 15, 20235 min read
H-EDS & Hypermobility: How does it impact the pelvic floor and the menustral cycle?
Hypermobility, EDS, and H-EDS are often a global condition, impacting the major joints, the GI system, cognitive aspects, the vascular...
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JJ Hurst
May 4, 20233 min read
May is Hypermobility & Ehlers-Danlos Awareness Month!
Happy May, everyone! May is Hypermobility Awareness Month, so I wanted to briefly describe what hypermobility is (and isn't), and to...
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JJ Hurst
Feb 13, 20235 min read
Electrolytes: A Key Ingredient in Managing EDS & Dysautonomia
In the United States, there is a rising awareness of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS), and its impacts. This is excellent news, as more...
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JJ Hurst
Jan 13, 20233 min read
Low Back Pain: Why It's Probably Not Your Back That's the Problem
Back pain is incredibly common. 80% of adults will experience it at least once in their life. 5% of the world experiences in chronic low...
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JJ Hurst
Jan 10, 20234 min read
Post-Partum Recovery: It's So Much More Than Kegals
Pregnancy is a complex and dynamic shift in the human body that takes 9 months, with hormone shifts that impact the entire body. Relaxin...
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JJ Hurst
Nov 22, 20225 min read
Toe Spacers: What, Why, & How
Basics: What Our Foot is Supposed to Be Doing I approach physical therapy holistically and from an integrative perspective, which means I...
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JJ Hurst
Nov 17, 20225 min read
What is Hypermobility, and how can physical therapy help?
Hypermobility is steadily raising awareness in the world, and more and more folks are recognizing it in themselves, their friends, and...
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JJ Hurst
Oct 17, 20223 min read
Why a Hybrid Model?
As a Cash Based physical therapy practice, we are already innovating outside of an existing broken model, providing 1-1 quality care...
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JJ Hurst
Oct 15, 20226 min read
How to use the Vagus Nerve to Regulate Your Nervous System and Perform Better
Many people are familiar with the “fight or flight” reflexes; when deer freeze staring into the headlights, when someone suddenly rushes...
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JJ Hurst
Oct 9, 20223 min read
Why Cash Based Physical Therapy?
I get this question a great deal, and I actually really love it, because it allows me to talk about something I'm passionate about;...
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JJ Hurst
Sep 23, 20224 min read
The Difference Between C Section and Pelvic Delivery
I see a lot of post-partum parents. Pregnancy definitely impacts the pelvic floor, and people often seem shocked when they’ve had a C...
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JJ Hurst
Sep 19, 20223 min read
Lube: Why It Matters, and How it Can Impact Your Health
Firstly, I want want to emphasize that lube is important, for everyone. It makes things more fun, of course, and is appropriate for just...
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JJ Hurst
Sep 13, 20224 min read
Is squatting bad for your knees? (no, no it's not)
This happens all the time; I have people tell me that they can’t squat because it’s bad for their knees, or that it hurts their knees....
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JJ Hurst
Sep 8, 20227 min read
Is it a yeast infection, a UTI, or a bacterial infection? How to recognize pelvic infections!
Alright, this one is for all my folks out there who get yeast infections, bacterial infections, UTIs, or oscillate between all three....
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JJ Hurst
Aug 30, 20223 min read
Want to Improve Your Posture: Trying Pulling More Than You Push!
We all have heard of ‘text neck,’ or noticed that one person with the “forward head” posture, or the “rounded shoulders.” Maybe you see...
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JJ Hurst
Aug 21, 20222 min read
Are You an Aerialist? A Pole Dancer? Stop Pulling Your Shoulderblades "Down and Back"
It's a favorite cue out there in the world "squeeze your shoulderblades down and back." Heck, you'll even see me use it sometimes. In the...
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JJ Hurst
Aug 6, 20225 min read
Are you leaking when you run? It's common, but it's not normal. Here's why
Running is an amazing form of exercise; it can improve your bone density with its consistent impact, it can strengthen the entire lower...
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